arroba vininalinha

everything in here is written in brazilian portuguese.

grafites em stonewall

domingo, 18 de junho de 2023: inglês brasileiro

A boy was walking around that infamous pier in the city of New York, where the queers used to fuck for money or just the sake of themselves. He was in his twenties, very thin, white as hell, and shirtless. Or maybe not shirtless, but homeless. It’s hard to find the right words sometimes. I’m not from there, as you may notice. He was hungry and a little bit angry too. He’s needy (as everybody else). So he prayed to the Devil asking for his death: a man, not a man, an angel, a black angel, the tallest one, tough and strong. Someone to take him from this world. Someone, something… anything could happen. And then the Devil answered him, sending a bottle that he took quickly and, as you can imagine, used to give some joy to himself, right there, with no shame.

After some minutes, he thanked God, and was about to throw the bottle away in the ocean, when he saw it. A dead tiny mouse and a piece of paper. A message, he thought. I mean, he saw it inside the bottle, not inside himself. Oh, you didn’t think that! Well, then, he broke it, broke the bottle, ate the mouse, and tried to read the message, that was not written in English, but in my language, Portuguese, as you can read below:

Os estudos sociais da homossexualidade e dos homossexuais foram inaugurados no Brasil, sim, por alguns pesquisadores brasileiros, mas os grandes nomes que se consolidariam enquanto fundadores dessa área de estudos seriam os de brasilianistas estrangeiros. Penso em, pelo menos, três deles, dois dos quais são antropólogos e um deles, historiador. Isso, a meu ver, além de estabelecer nos centros de pesquisa brasileiros um quadro teórico-metodológico herdado dos gays studies, também fez com que, de certa forma, assumíssemos um olhar exclusivamente interessado no estado de coisas dentro de nosso país. Como se fôssemos o outro incontornável de nós mesmos. O ‘inglês’ da expressão idiomática ‘para inglês ver’. Vendo como ingleses, por assim dizer, sem saber que ingleses são esses, ou o quão ingleses somos nós. O quão ingleses ou anglo-americanos são os estudos transviados brasileiros? E o quão brasileiro pode ser o olhar que analisa a sociedade inglesa, anglo-americana, com ênfase em suas comunidades e seus movimentos políticos de dissidentes de sexo e gênero? Em suma, (…)

That’s all. The boy got very angry again, and hungry. So he ate the message and the broken glass before I was able to finish the reading and… he saw me. E me comeu.